Jumat, 23 September 2011

Writing I (Pertemuan I)

Present Simple Tense
Berikut adalah contoh penggunaan Simple present Tense:
source: kisahku-unik.blogspot.com

I live in Málaga
I go to the beach on Saturdays
I don't drink coffee
Do you like English?
Hi everybody! I'm The Present Simple Girl. I like habits and routines. I always do the same things and at the same time. For example, I always drink two glasses of milk in the morning and I usually arrive at school at twenty five past eight . I often wear jeans and T-shirts. I love pop music. I also love animals and plants. I have a beautiful garden.
I live with my parents and my brother, The Present Continuous Guy. He is very different from  me. He never arrives on time for lunch. He likes new clothes and fashion, and he doesn't listen to pop music. He plays hard rock in a group called "Metal Bananas" . We are in an English club called The Happy Verby Gang. We go to the club on Saturdays.

Taken from: http://www.isabelperez.com/happy/tenses/present_simple.htm

Penggunaan Simple Present Tense

Ada beberapa penggunaan dari simple present tense, yaitu :
  1. untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang berulang
  2. untuk menyatakan generalisasi atau kegiatan yang biasa berlangsung
  3. Untuk menyatakan kegiatan saat ini.

Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan penjelesan di bawah ini

1.             Repeated Actions (Kegiatan berulang)

Simple present dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan gagasan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan sering dilakukan berulangkali seperti bangun tidur, atau kebiasaan seperti berolahraga, jadwal pemberangkatan kendaraan dan lain sebagainya, kegiatan tersebut dapat berupa kebiasaan, hobby, kegiatan sehari-hari, jadwal, dan juga kebiasaan yang selalu tidak dilakukan.

I play tennis.

She does not play tennis.

The train leaves every morning at 8 am.

The train does not leave at 9am.

She always forgets her purse.

He never forgets his wallet.

Every twelve months, the Earth circles the sun.

The sun does not circle the Earth.

2. Menyatakan Kebenaran atau keadaan yang umum (Facts or Generalizations)     

Simple Present dapat juga digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kejadian yang benar pada masa lampau, sekarang maupun yang akan datang, misalnya matahari terbit dari barat, satu jam 360 menit dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menyatakan generalisasi (keadaan yang umum) terhadap pikiran orang, misalnya orang batak suka musik, burung mempunyai sayap dan lain sebagainya
Cats like milk.

Birds do not like milk.

Jakarta is in Indonesia

Surabaya is not in the United Kingdom.

Windows are made of glass.

Windows are not made of wood.

Jakarta is a small city.
(It is not important that this fact is untrue.)

3. Keadaan Sekarang Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)

Simple Present digunakan juga untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang berlangsung maupun tidak berlangsung saat ini secasra spontan. Namun hanya bisa digunakan dengan Non-continuous Verbs dan Mixed Verbs.
I am here now.

She is not here now.

He needs help right now.

He does not need help now.

He has a car.

Resource: englishpage.com/oke.or.id/2005/06/simple-present-tense

Exercise I:
Tell about your activity now and others activity arround you, minimum of 10 sentences.
Give comments for your friends's activity, Okay??
You can start now in below comment box. J

Adapted from UT-Online Learning Center www.ut.ac.id
 More about Universitas Terbuka you can visit http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universitas_Terbuka

5 komentar:

Ahmad mengatakan...

Today, I do not have many jobs in office. I use my time to read the news in internet. Usually, When my boss come, I can not open my notebook. But now is different. I can read and write something in my notebook that I want as long as it is not bad. After lunch my boss went to New York and only My friend, Dani and I in the office. Now I can do anything as I want. So, I open my notebook and I also open Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Blog in http://tolabulilmi12.blogspot.com.
How about your activity now? Tell me please. Thank you. 

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi Ahmad, my names is Putri. I am still studying at Bandung 1 Senior High School. I like jobless. But sometimes I am confused what I have to I do when there is no homework or job at home. Therefore I always go to my friend's home to play music together in her home and chatting in internet with the people of facebook.
Nice to meet you Ahmad. :)

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi there..
I'm Tiara. Nice to meet you too.

to Ahmad:
I think you are wrong. the website of Kuliah Bahasa Inggris is not at http://tolabulimi12.blogspot.con but http://englishismystyle.blogspot.com.
Maybe you have already mistaken copy the url. hehe..

to Putri:
You are same like me. I usually also go to my friend's home to share the experience at school but beside that we ofetn go to kitchen for cooking. I like cook a cake. do you want to taste my cake. He.. :)

SIGIT BOGEM mengatakan...

good post dude, an never stop...
keep moving forward always. ...


Pencari Ilmu mengatakan...

Thank you so much Mas Sigit.
Your blog also is amazing. Don't ever stop dude.. it is can be very usefull for all apeople that need motivation.
Http://zeavrote.blogspot.com is nice blog for me.

Correct the content pleae dude because I am still learning in making a simple blog.
Come back later dude..
Thanks a lot. :)

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