Banyak tempat-tempat umum (Public Services) dan nama-nama gedung (Buildings) yang sering kita jumpai, seperti kantor pos, terminal, bank dsb. Tapi terkadang masih ada yang belum hafal nama-nama tempat2 tersebut dalam bahasa Inggris termasuk juga saya.. hehe J. Nah, saya mengajak teman2 untuk lebih mengenal nama – nama tempat2 umum dalam bahasa Inggris. Yuk kita simak.. Yuk J.
- airport = bandara
- apartment building = gedung apartemen / rumah flat
- bank = bank
- barber shop = tempat cukur rambut /tempat pangkas
- book store = toko buku
- bowling alley = gelanggang bowling / tempat olahraga bowling
- bus stop = pemberhentian bis
- church = gereja
- convenience store = toko (untuk keperluan sehari-hari seperti minimarket, jongko dll)
- department store = toko serba ada
- fire department = jawatan pemadam kebakaran
- gas station = pompa bensin
- hospital = rumah sakit
- house = rumah
- library = perpustakaan
- movie theater = gedung bioskop
- museum = musium
- office building = bangunan kantor
- post office = kantor pos
- restaurant = restoran / rumah makan
- school = sekolah
- mall = mall
- supermarket = toko makanan serba ada, maha-pasar
- train station = statsuin kereta api
Hopely these can be useful for you all, my fellows... I ever felt that the names of Public Services and buildings was very important when there was a tourest came to Indonesia and asked it to me. Are you ready to anwer the question? Don’t worry.. keeping visiting and reading the postings, and I am sure you can increase your english talent, because english is a journey not a destination. Be happy with english. It is your friend... isn't it? J
See you next time.. bye-bye..
Adapted from
Translation by Saepul with google translate and Kamus 2.03
I love vocabulary.. J
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